Best Shoulder Workout for Beginner At GYM | Health and Fitness

Best Shoulder Workout for Beginner At GYM | Health and Fitness

Best Shoulder Workout for Beginner

Today in this article we will discuss in Best Shoulder Workout for Beginner. Shoulder strength is very important for health.  Sometimes excessive work and sometimes unnecessary stress causes shoulder pain. Even a little weight, sitting for too long, sleeping incorrectly etc. can cause stiffness and pain in the shoulders. Therefore it is important that the shoulders are made flexible and strong. 

Exercises are helpful in relieving the tension of these shoulder muscles. These exercises give flexibility not only to the shoulders but also to the neck and upper back. Shoulder pain can also be relieved through these exercises.

The wide shoulder in addition to the physical strength of the person also shows him attractive. You can also make the shoulders strong and attractive with daily exercise. Rest 1 minute after each exercise and do three sets of all exercises.

Shoulder Workout Names:

Seated Military Barbell Press (Best Shoulder Workout for Beginner)

Best Shoulder Workout for Beginner At GYM | Health and FitnessBest Shoulder Workout for Beginner At GYM | Health and Fitness

How to do:

  • At first You need to seat on a bench and take a barbell to perform the Seated Military barbell press. The grip of the barbell should be four fingers broader than the length of your shoulder.
  • Bring the barbell in front of your neck and place it parallel to your shoulder.
  • From there lift the barbell to upwards. After holding 1 sec at the top, bring it back to the starting position. 

When you push the weight upward take a long breath and hold until you bring it back. You can do this exercise by sitting or standing position. A beginner can start with an empty barbell and gradually increase the weight according to his/her capacity.

Prescription: Repeat the exercise for 3 times (15>15>12 Repetition).

Benefits: By this exercise you can strengthen and increase the medial and anterior deltoid muscle. It also helps to increase the muscles of your upper traps and upper chest.

Seated Dumbbell Press (Best Shoulder Workout for Beginner)

Best Shoulder Workout for Beginner At GYM | Health and FitnessBest Shoulder Workout for Beginner At GYM | Health and Fitness

How to do:

  • Seat on a bench and take two light weight dumbbells according your capacity to perform the dumbbells Press. 
  • Place dumbbells beside your head. Your elbow should be in a 90 degree angle with your body.
  • Dumbbells should lift upwards along the head from the side of your ear. After holding 1 sec at the top, bring it back to the starting position.

Start with a light weight, and then increase weight gradually. When you push the weight upward take a long breath and hold until you bring it back.

Prescription: Repeat the exercise for 3 times (15>15>12 Repetition).

Benefits: This exercise allows increasing the strength of your deltoid. Some people cannot perform barbell press at the beginning due to their weak deltoid muscle. They can strengthen their deltoid with this exercise. Besides of that Dumbbell press help to increase the overall size of deltoid.

Front Dumbbell Raise (Best Shoulder Workout for Beginner)

Best Shoulder Workout for Beginner At GYM | Health and Fitness              Best Shoulder Workout for Beginner At GYM | Health and Fitness

How to do:

  • Stand with your legs split to the size of your shoulders.
  • Weights should be hanged in both hands in front of your thighs while standing. Your palm should facing towards your thighs.
  • Lift the weight upwards (palm should facing towards ground) until parallel to the shoulder. Hold it for 1 sec, and then bring it back slowly at initial position.

Start with a light weight, and then increase weight gradually. When you push the weight upward take a long breath and hold until you bring it back.

Prescription: Repeat the exercise for 3 times (12>12>10 Repetition).

Benefits: Front Dumbbell Raise exercise help to increase the strength and volume of your anterior deltoid muscle.

Dumbbell lateral raises (Best Shoulder Workout for Beginner)

Best Shoulder Workout for Beginner At GYM | Health and Fitness
Best Shoulder Workout for Beginner At GYM | Health and Fitness

How to do:

  • To perform lateral rise, keep dumbbells at your side in hanging position. Palm should be facing towards your body and legs should be divided evenly along the length of your shoulders.
  • Lift the weight upwards until parallel to the ground. Your elbow should be slightly bent towards the front, so that the medial deltoid muscle can feel the tension.
  • After holding 1-½ sec slowly bring dumbbells at its initial position. 

Start with a light weight, and then increase weight gradually. When you push the weight upward take a long breath and hold until you bring it back.

Prescription: Repeat the exercise for 3 times (12>12>10 Repetition).

Benefits: Lateral Dumbbell Raise exercise help to increase the strength and volume of your medial deltoid muscle. It helps to round shape the shoulder from side.

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Wide reverse fly (Best Shoulder Workout for Beginner)

Best Shoulder Workout for Beginner At GYM | Health and FitnessBest Shoulder Workout for Beginner At GYM | Health and Fitness

How to do:

  • Grab dumbbells in both hands. Then stand at a 60 degree angle to the front so that your hips are slightly tilted backwards.
  • Hands should be in 90 degree angle with your upper body and your palm should facing towards each other.
  • Raise your hand in a way that your elbow stay in 90 degree with your shoulder and palm should facing ground. After holding 1 or ½ sec returning back to your starting position.

Start with a light weight, and then increase weight gradually. When you push the weight upward take a long breath and hold until you bring it back.

Prescription: Repeat the exercise for 3 times (10>10>8 Repetition).

Benefits: Wide reverse fly exercise help to increase the muscle of your posterior deltoid muscle.

Dumbbell Shrug (Best Shoulder Workout for Beginner)                   
Best Shoulder Workout for Beginner At GYM | Health and Fitness                       

How to do:

  • Grab dumbbells in both of your hand.
  • Hold it at your side in a way that your palm should facing each other.
  • Then try to Shrug you shoulders as high as possible. Imagine you are trying to touch your ear through your shoulder.

Start with a light weight, and then increase weight gradually. When you push the weight upward take a long breath and hold until you bring it back.

Prescription: Repeat the exercise for 3 times (15>15>12 Repetition).

Benefits: Dumbbell Shrug helps you to develop and strengthening your traps muscles.

Apart from this, there are a lot of exercises for the shoulder like,

  •  Barbell Upright Row
  •  Machine Rear-Deltoid Fly
  •  Seated Overhead Barbell Press
  •  Dumbbell Incline Row
  •  Shoulder Push-up
  •  Rear / Face Pull

If you are a beginner then do the above mention 6 exercises, which will helps you to mature and strengthening your shoulder muscles. But it is important that your position is correct and also use the right weight.


Before doing these exercises, do not forget to take the advice of your trainer, so that he can guide you in the right way.  If you are looking for exercises for any specific body parts of your body, then you can check out our Health and Fitness website. Thank you for the reading of Best Shoulder Workout for Beginner full article, if you have any help with this article, then let us know, we will share your selected comments on our social media platform.

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