6 Best Breakfast Recipes for Weight Gain | Health and Fitness

6 Best Breakfast Recipes for Weight Gain | Health and Fitness

6 Best Breakfast Recipes for Weight Gain

6 Best Breakfast Recipes for Weight Gain: Weight gaining in a proper way is more difficult rather than Weight loss. You cannot eat anything to gain weight. So if you are looking for a healthy way to gain weight, then you need to know about some special healthy breakfast recipes for weight gain. These recipes will nourish your body as well as help in weight gain.

Being overweight is as dangerous as being underweight is equally harmful. If you are low in weight, then instead of eating anything to increase weight, eat healthy food. These will help you to gain weight in the right way. So let's know about some breakfast recipes for weight gain that will help you increase your weight.

Breakfast is a very important meal of your day - it can either make or break your day. Breakfast in the morning after a long night of fasting gives us the energy to activate all the organs of our body. So a balanced breakfast controls how your day will start.

Also for those who want to gain weight, a heavy breakfast is very important for them. It is also important to check that it contains the right proportion of protein, carbohydrates and fats.

So today we will learn about some breakfast recipes for weight gain that contain all the micronutrients in the right proportions.

6 Breakfast Ideas for Gaining Weight

Recipe 1 (Breakfast Recipes for Weight Gain)

6 Best Breakfast Recipes for Weight Gain | Health and Fitness

Ingredients: 6 Egg, 1 Onion, ½ Capsicum, 2 Green chili, Corn (30gm), Curd (30gm), Black paper, Salt, Coconut/Olive oil, Ketchup.

  • Cut the capsicum and onion into thin and long textures. Then heat the pan in low flame with 1 tbsp coconut or olive oil. 
  • When the pan is hot, add onion, capsicum, corn and stir in medium heat for 5-6 minutes. When the color of the onion changes to translucent and corns turn brown, take it down and let it cool. 
  • After that add curd, black paper, salt (as per your test) and mix it well together and set aside. 

  • Then beat 4 egg whites and 2 whole eggs together with little salt and chopped green chili. Then make an omelet with the whole egg mixture. Cook both sides of the omelet well. 
    6 Best Breakfast Recipes for Weight Gain | Health and Fitness

  • Take down the omelet and covers half of it with the mixture of capsicum and fold it with the other half.

Serve hot with your favorite ketchup.

27.4 gm
19.4 gm
19.7  gm
3.4 gm

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Recipe 2 (Breakfast Recipes for Weight Gain)

6 Best Breakfast Recipes for Weight Gain | Health and Fitness

Ingredients: 6 Egg, 2 Onion, 1 Tomato, 2 Green chili, Coriander leaves Black paper, Red chili powder, Turmeric powder, Salt, Coconut/Olive oil.

  • Finely chop the tomato, onion, coriander leaves and green chili. Then heat the pan in low flame with 1 tbsp coconut or olive oil.

  • Add green chili, onion in to it and stir (4-5 mins) until turn brown. Add tomato, ½ tbsp red chili powder, ½ tbsp, salt (as per your test) turmeric powder and cook for 3-4 min. 

  • Then beat 4 egg whites and 2 whole eggs together with little salt and add it to the pan. Stir till eggs are well cooked and dry. Add a Little coriander leaves before take it down.

Serve hot with two Chapatti or Brown Bread.

31.7 gm
19.1 gm
47.2  gm
8.1 gm

Recipe 3 (Breakfast Recipes for Weight Gain)

6 Best Breakfast Recipes for Weight Gain | Health and Fitness

Ingredients: 6 Egg, ½ Cup chopped Carrot,½ Cup chopped Beans, Corn (30gm), 1 Cup Wheat flour (30gm) Salt, Red chili sauce, Coconut/Olive oil, Ketchup.

  • Finely chop the Carrot and Bean's. Beat 4 egg whites and 2 whole eggs together. Then add 1 cup (30gms) wheat flour, little salt, Black paper half cup water and mix well. 

  • Then heat the pan in low flame with 1 tbsp coconut or olive oil. Divide the mixture into portions and make it like an omelet. Cool the omelet’s and cut them into noodles with a knife. 

  • In the same pan add 1tbsp oil and then add corn, carrots, Bean's and cook for 5-6 mins. Add 2tbsp red chili sauce and mix well. Add egg noodles, cook for two mins in low to medium flame.

Serve hot with your favorite ketchup.

31.3 gm
19.4 gm
42.4  gm
9.4 gm

Read also

Recipe 4 (Breakfast Recipes for Weight Gain)

6 Best Breakfast Recipes for Weight Gain | Health and Fitness

Ingredients: Toned Milk (200ml), Oats (50gm), Peanut butter, Honey, 2pc Dates, 2-3 almonds, ½ scoop Whey protein,

  • Heat the milk in a pot and when the milk starts to boil, add oats into it and stir it well. 

  • Then take it down from oven and add 1 tbsp peanut butter, 1 tbsp honey, Whey protein into it and mix it well. If you like to eat sweeter, you can add shakkar or jaggery powder. 

  • Before serving, slice the dates and crushed 2-3 almond. Spread them on top. Also you can add Banana or Apple if you wish so.
31.56 gm
19.2 gm
65 gm
6.2 gm

Recipe 5 (Breakfast Recipes for Weight Gain)

6 Best Breakfast Recipes for Weight Gain | Health and Fitness

Ingredients: Soya Chunks(Raw) 50gm, Moong dal (Raw) 100gm, Green chili 2pcs, Garlic 3pcs, salt, Cumin seeds, Curd 100gms, Coriander leaves, Mint leaves.

  • Wash soya Chunks properly. Boil them for 10 minutes. When cool, remove all excess water from the soya chunks.

  • Now add Moong dal, Soya Chunks, 2 green chili, 3pc Garlic, salt and half tsp cumin seeds in to the grinder and grinding to a thick batter (Do not add water).

  • Heat the pan in low flame with 1 tbsp coconut or olive oil. Add half cup of batter each time and make it like a pancake. Cook on both the side well.

  • After that Add coriander leaves, mint leaves, green chili, curd and salt into the grinder and make a puree (chutney) of it.

Serve hot Soya pancake with the chutney.

56.2 gm
33.1 gm
83.4 gm
24.6 gm

Recipe 6 (Breakfast Recipes for Weight Gain)

6 Best Breakfast Recipes for Weight Gain | Health and Fitness

Ingredients: 1 Capsicum (Small), 1 onion, 1 Carrot (Small),  Garlic, Low fat Panner 100gm, Coconut/Olive oil, Red chili sauce, Salt, Oats 50gm.

  • Cut Capsicum, Carrot, onion into small pieces and finely chop the garlic. Also cut Paneer into small slices.

  • Heat the pan in low flame with 1 tbsp coconut or olive oil. Add 1 tbsp chopped garlic and toss it for a minute. 

  • When garlic is brown add all vegetables again stir for 2-3 minutes and add 1tbsp red chili sauce, salt (as per your test) and again stir for a minute and then add oats and 2 cups of water. Cook for 5-6 mins.

  • After that add paneer and coriander leaves and stir for another 2 minutes. Take it down when it is cold.
28.1 gm
15.7 gm
52.9 gm
11.4 gm


We will also discuss many more breakfast recipes for weight gain in the coming days that help you gain weight. Thank you for the reading of “6 Best Breakfast Recipes for Weight Gain” full article, if you have any help with this article, then let us knows, we will share your selected comments on our social media platform.

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