6 Best Triceps Workout in Gym for Beginner | Health and Fitness

6 Best Triceps Workout in Gym for Beginner | Health and Fitness

6 Best Triceps Workout in Gym for Beginner

6 Best Triceps Workout in Gym for Beginner : Youngsters nowadays pay great attention to fitness, so that they can live a healthy life.

 For this, people go to the gym and do many exercises of their different body parts, so that they can get the body according to their mind.

 In today's time, most people only pay more attention to their biceps and not to triceps. While triceps only shape your arms and they also look attractive.

 I would like to say that to develop any muscle, it is very important to exercise that particular muscle, so that it can get more load on that muscle and it can grow.  So today I am telling you about 6 best triceps workout in gym that you can get heavy and shaped arms by including in your workout plan.

Triceps Workout Name

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1. Push Up (Triceps Workout in Gym)

6 Best Triceps Workout in Gym for Beginner | Health and Fitness

6 Best Triceps Workout in Gym for Beginner | Health and Fitness
How to do:
  • At the start, place your hand in the floor underneath your shoulder.Your palm will face the ground and toes are on the floor.
  • Your back, hip and leg should be in a straight line. Meanwhile your body forms will be in a parallel condition.
  • Take a long breath. Keeping your upper body weight in your arm, bend your elbows towards your leg to lower your chest. In this stage your hip and leg will down parallely. Keep in mind your chest should not touch the ground.
  • Hold your upper body 1-½ sec in bottom and then powerfully return to your back position. Hold the breath until you return into initial position.

Prescription: Repeat the exercise for 3 times (25>25>20 Repetition).

Benefits: Doing push up every day will increase the strength of your upper body. Push up is basic triceps  workout in gym which help you to grow your triceps muscle.

2. Short grip bench press (Triceps Workout in Gym)

6 Best Triceps Workout in Gym for Beginner | Health and Fitness

6 Best Triceps Workout in Gym for Beginner | Health and Fitness
How to do:
  • Lie down on an flat bench. Make sure your eye position is just below the barbell while lying on the bench.
  • Take a slightly smaller grip from your shoulder length(Grab the bar in 4 fingers).
  • Take a long breath.You need to get the barbell out of the stand with a firm hand.
  • Slowly lower the bar near your middle chest and hold it for half a sec and then rapidly get back into initial position. Hold your breath until initial position.

Prescription: Repeat the exercise for 3 times (12>10>10 Repetition). Increase Weight in each set.

Benefits: Close grip bench press is a compound exercise on the body that targets our triceps muscle. It also engaged the chest and shoulder muscles and helps in the development of those muscles.

3. Parallel Bar Dips (Triceps Workout in Gym)

6 Best Triceps Workout in Gym for Beginner | Health and Fitness

How to do:
  • Hold the handle in firm hand and jump up into the parallel bar.
  • To lower your body, bend the elbow backwards and lean forward. You need to get down until your shoulders are below your elbows.
  • After holding your body in the low position for one second, raise up your body by straightening your arms.
  • Lock your elbows after lifting the body.

Prescription: Repeat the exercise for 3 times (15>15>12 Repetition).

Benefits: Parallel bar dips mainly work on our triceps muscle. It also increases the ability to push up. It also causes the development of upper chest and shoulder muscles.

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    4. Seated French Press (Triceps Workout in Gym)

    6 Best Triceps Workout in Gym for Beginner | Health and Fitness

    How to do:
    • To do this exercise you need a folding flat bench and a dumbbell
    • With both hands on either side of the head, hold the dumbbells vertically behind your head. When holding the upper plate of the dumbbell with the palm of the hand, make sure that the dumbbell is in a vertical position with the elbow.
    • Without changing the angle of your hand with your body, lower the dumbbell from the back of your head by gently bending your elbow.
    • Hold the Dumbbell at the bottom position and pause it for a second. 
    • Without changing the angle of your hand with your body, raise the dumbbells upwards until the arms are fully extended and then repeat.

    Prescription: Repeat the exercise for 3 times (15>15>12 Repetition).

    Benefits: This exercise gives you the shape of your triceps and help to build muscle.

    5. Triceps Press down (Triceps Workout in Gym)

    6 Best Triceps Workout in Gym for Beginner | Health and Fitness6 Best Triceps Workout in Gym for Beginner | Health and Fitness
    How to do:
      • Stand up with your feet at your hip width.Bring the cable machine to the head level and attach a EZ bar or normal bar with it.
      • Stand upright with your back slightly bent forward and hold the bar and tucked your elbow at your side.
      • Press the bar down and drag until you touch your thigh. Take a small pause near your thighs to squeeze your triceps.
      • Slowly remove the pressure from the bar to return in previous position.

      Prescription: Repeat the exercise for 3 times (15>15>12 Repetition).

      Benefits: Our triceps brachii muscles are usually divided into three parts.Long head, Lateral head and Medial head.This exercises works on our entire triceps muscle.

      6. Cable overhead triceps extension (Triceps Workout in Gym)

      6 Best Triceps Workout in Gym for Beginner | Health and Fitness

      How to do:
      • Take the pulley out of the cable machine and bring it to the knees height or below it and attach a rope with it.
      • Using a neutral grip, pull the rope with both hands and simply rotate your body in the opposite direction from the cable machine.
      • Extend your arms fully until you point them directly toward the ceiling above your head.
      • Place your elbows along the side of your head. This is the starting position of Cable overhead triceps extension.
      • Gently lower the rope behind your head, keeping your upper arms steady. Inhale as you do so.
      • When your arms are fully stretched, your triceps muscles will contract. Take a second pause in this state.
      • Go back to the beginning by relaxing your triceps and extending your arms. Exhale as you do so.

      Prescription: Repeat the exercise for 3 times (12>12>10 Repetition).

      Benefits: Overhead triceps extensions are exercises that will help you strengthen your arm muscles and triceps. The more you perform this exercise, the stronger your arms and triceps will be.  This will help you further in sports where the movement of your arms as well as the upper body needs strength.

      Apart from this, there are a lot of triceps workout in gym for the triceps like,

      Decline Dumbbell Triceps Extension

      Lying Barbell Triceps Extension(Skull Crushers)

      Tate Press

      Underhand Kick back

      One-Arm Overhead Extension

      Seated Machine Dip

      If you are a beginner then do the above mention 6 triceps workout in gym, which will helps you to mature and strengthening your Triceps muscles.But it is important that your position is correct and also use the right weight.


      Before doing these exercises, do not forget to take the advice of your trainer, so that he can guide you in the right way.  If you are looking for exercises for any specific body parts of your body, then you can check out our Health And Fitness website. Thank you for the reading of 6 Best Triceps Workout in Gym for Beginner full article, if you have any help with this article, then let us knows, we will share your selected comments on our social media platform.

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