How to remove Dandruff at home naturally! | Health and Fitness

How to remove Dandruff at home naturally! | Health and Fitness

How to remove Dandruff at home naturally!

How to remove Dandruff at home: Dandruff those white flakes coming off your scalp! I am quite sure you have suffered it at some point of your life.

Most people do. But unfortunately the products they turn to or should I say the majority of the products available in the market just try to curb the symptoms rather than tapping the main course. But I promise if you are looking for a permanent solution, all you will need is five ingredients and a little bit of intent. So keep reading this article till the end to root out that irritating dandruff once and for all.

Dandruff is mostly an outcome of the dryness of the scalp due to which it worsens in the winter. It is often accompanied by an itching. Dandruff can even be embarrassing at times. Dandruff can get aggravated due to various reasons, (1) using toxic hair products, (2) not shampooing your hair regularly, (3) not oiling the scalp regularly, (4) you are prone to acidity bloating or other digestive issues, (5) lot of stress makes things worse. 

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Causes of Dandruff and Remedies of it:

For most of us, dandruff can be cured with some good practices and with the help of these home remedies.

How to remove Dandruff at home naturally! | Health and Fitness

1. Hair care mistakes (How to remove Dandruff at home):

So firstly you've got to understand, how dandruff is formed? Dandruff is formed basically because your scalp is a very active environment. It's constantly producing skin cells. The skin cells are produced and then they die. If your scalp is also very oily then the skin cells will collect together. Mix with the oil and form those white flakes that fall off your head when you're suffering from dandruff. So here's what you've got to understand, dandruff might be caused because of too little or too much oiling, too little or too much shampooing and too little or too much conditioning.


If you want to oil your hair make sure you own it at least two to three times a week. If your scalp gets too dry, that adds to the dead skin cells. Oil is basically like fertilizer for your scalp, so make sure you are oiling your hair at least two to three times a week but no more than that.

You should use a shampoo twice or thrice a week. If you’re suffering from dandruff then use anti dandruff shampoo once or twice a week. Don't shampoo to less, don't shampoo too much. If you shampoo your hair every day, it gets rid of its natural protective layer of oils.

Conditioners are oil based substances. So if you use too much of it, it may your scalps oily once again. So make sure when you use conditioner every time, you use your mild shampoo. Don't overdo it don't under do it but.

2.Excess hair product usage (How to remove Dandruff at home):

Very importantly a lot of people suffer from dandruff because of excess hair product usage. We are applying our hair products like wax, gels, clays, serums, creams etc. direct in to the scalp.


This applies to both boys and girls make sure that the hair product doesn't come in contact with your scalp. It's supposed to be applied to the body of your hair. If you apply it to your scalp that increases your dandruff problem.

How to remove Dandruff at home naturally! | Health and Fitness

3. Environment (How to remove Dandruff at home):

At the end of the day dandruff is an infection. So firstly get your pillowcases cleaned. A lot of times people will use anti dandruff products and then still get down up once again. Because the environment is still dandruff infested.


Take a pillowcase off your pillows. Dip it into an antiseptic solution. Leave it in that solution for at least 12 hours. You also got to do the same with your combs and brushes that you regularly use on your hair. You also got to do the same with all kinds of headgear like caps, hats helmets, hair band or hair clips.

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4. Skin pH level (How to remove Dandruff at home):

Firstly understand skin pH. Your skin pH is 5.5. You've got to remember that your skin is slightly acidic. If your skin is acidic that's a good thing because it kills all the harmful bacteria. It's kind of like a protective layer. You've got to remember is that people who suffer from dandruff the pH of their scalp is slightly off. It may not be as acidic as it should be.


In any kind of natural product that slightly acidic will help you cure your dandruff. My personal favorite apple cider vinegar. Mix it with a little bit of water, makes a slightly dilute solution of apple cider vinegar and apply it onto your scalp. It lenses your scalp and works the same way as curd or lemon. 

How to remove Dandruff at home

Modern dermatology says that there is no cure known but don't worry that is when ayurvedic comes to rescue. No matter how severe your dandruff problem is, I assure once you turn to this miracle therapy it will be rooted out from its very cause.

Basically it is a homemade anti dandruff hair mask (How to remove Dandruff at home).


  • To make it in a glass bowl put 3 tea spoons of curd. Curd is probably the best natural conditioner and tonic for hair. It is rich in proteins and fatty acids. It is ideal to curb the dryness of the scalp. If possible use homemade curd.
  • Next mix 2 teaspoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Lemon is well known for dandruff treatment. The vitamin C and citric nature of lemon juice perfectly balances the pH level of the scalp shedding away the dead skin layer. It is highly effective if you have itchy scalp.
  • The third ingredient is 1tsp of Maha Bhringraj oil. Along with other medicinal herbs the Nagkesar present in Maha Bhringraj oil is an antifungal herb. Perhaps the best anti dandruff herb you will ever find.
  • The next ingredient you need to add is a pea-sized camphor or kapoor. As we know it camphor is a wonderful natural ingredient that’s calming and soothing properties relaxes the nerves. It strengthens the roots reversing the damage done to the hair.
  • The final ingredient to be used as 1/2 teaspoon of borax powder also known as Suhaga or tankan bhasma. Suhaga is a special Ayurvedic medicine prepared from borax. It is especially known to kill dandruff from its very source.

Please do not get taken aback by some unfamiliar ingredients that I might have used actually. You can easily find them in the ration shops for your convenience (How to remove Dandruff at home).

Now once you have all the ingredients in the bowl. The next step is to whisk them thoroughly until it turns into a smooth paste like thing.


Gently apply this paste massaging your scalp and hair for about 5 to 7 minutes. Once the paste is evenly applied to every part of your head, let it rest and do it section for about 20 to 30 minutes. Finally wash it off normally using a mild toxin-free shampoo. Just after one wash you will be amazed to see the significant reduction in your dandruff. 

How many times one should apply this hair mask?

It is a subjective issue and depends on how badly dandruff is bothering you. In my opinion twice a week is good enough. Although this Ayurvedic remedy has absolutely no side effects. It can be used by anybody of any age even daily (How to remove Dandruff at home).

It is best to apply it in the morning half an hour before going to bath. Now to get the best results I want you to use the same exact ingredients that I have used. Even the ratio in which the ingredients have been mixed is extremely important. The quantity however can vary according to the length of your hair.

Surely I could have shared with you some alternatives but I do not want to do so. Because this is the exact remedy which is running in my family since years and dandruff is nowhere to be seen.

Trust me on this and try it out. If you have mild dandruff just one or two washes is good enough for you. If you have severe dandruff, then twice a week for two months and your dandruff will be history. 

Now if you are looking for mild and toxin-free shampoos in the Indian market, Mamaearth shampoos are one good option. These shampoos are absolutely free from sulphate, parabens and all other harsh chemicals. Mamaearth has a shampoo especially for men women and babies. I highly recommend these toxin free shampoos (How to remove Dandruff at home).


That's all for this article. I hope you found it to be helpful. If yes and if you would like to see a similar article on "how to get glowing skin at home" please let me know by commenting down below.

It is also a simple home remedy involved in just three ingredients. If you have any doubts regarding this home remedy please feel free to comment below. Thank you for the reading of How to remove Dandruff at home naturally! full article, if you have any help with this article, then let us knows, we will share your selected comments on our social media platform.

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