Reduce Belly Fat in 30 days | Health And Fitness

Reduce Belly Fat in 30 days | Health And Fitness

Reduce Belly Fat in 30 days

One of the toughest challenge in our life is reduce belly fat.
Physical activities are becoming less due to busy routines which have a bad effect on our health.  But its most visible effect is on our belly i.e. belly fat.  Which we cannot ignore even by wishing.  Because our body's calories are converted into fat, it adds fat to the body, and it has many harmful effects on fat health. Sometimes, it also becomes a reason for embarrassment among people.

Causes of belly fat 

Most people are upset nowadays due to accumulation of fat on the stomach. A little fat accumulation is not very harmful. According to experts, if there is a certain amount of fat on the waist and abdomen, it protects our bones like a cushion. If fat accumulates too much, it can cause dangerous diseases. You should also know some of the main reasons, which are responsible for increasing excess fat on belly, i.e. belly fat.

Sitting and working: Today, physical activity of people has reduced to a great extent. Working continuously, sitting and watching TV, not exercising, these are some of the habits that increase belly fat. Instead of taking time to exercise, people prefer watching television or working on computer. Instead of being physically active in spare time, stick to social media. As a result, body fat levels begin to rise.

Stay stressed: Excessive stress increases body and abdominal fat. When you are under stress, the level of cortisol in the blood increases. Cortisol increases fat levels in the body, making fat cells larger. In this condition, fat usually grows around the stomach.

Hormone changes: In women, around the age of 40, the fat increases faster than body weight. During menopause, estrogen hormone levels are low and androgen hormone levels are high. Both of these reasons also increase the fat of the waist and abdomen.

Over eating: There are also some people who eat something upside down throughout the day. Sometimes over eating under work pressure or stress increases fat level in our belly. The habit of sit in one place and keep working will increase the fat around the waist and abdomen.

Weak digestive system: As you grow older, your digestive system stops working properly. This also increases belly fat many times. Problems like thyroid and sugar also surround the body due to poor digestive system.

Genetic cause: According to research, if parents or any other member of the family is obese, this problem can be passed on to the next generation. Some fat cells in the body are genetically evolved.

Smoking: A research has shown that smokers have increased abdominal fat.  Smoking is harmful to health and body. Smoking causes many diseases. Quit smoking and increase your health immunity.

Poor diet: Due to eating bakery food, cake, soda, beaked foods, fried foods, drinks etc., the fat increases in the stomach.

Alcohol consumption: Abdominal fat increases due to consuming alcohol etc. Research has found that alcohol is the cause of stomach fat, it increases fat around the stomach.

Lack of exercise: Due to exercise, unwanted calorie burn occurs in our body.  When we do not exercise, the calorie in our body does not burn and the fat in the stomach changes.

How to Reduce Belly Fat

Your stomach fat can be reduced by using the following step.

Exercise: Exercising properly is good for the body.  The extra calories that we have in our body burn due to exercise and the fat stored around the stomach will also burn and our body will remain healthy and healthy.

Reduce your stress: Due to stress, cortisol hormone can increase our abdominal fat.  If we stop stressing our belly fat will be reduced.  Doing daily that yoga meditation gentle exercise etc. will result in stress relief.

Improve your sleep pattern: Sleep is very important for the body.  Good sleep gives good health to our body. Sleep is the only thing that helps our body heal recover rest.  Therefore good sleep is necessary for those who want to reduce their stomach.

 Quit smoking: Smoking is not good for the best, because of smoking, the stomach grows and there are many diseases. If we quit smoking, then the stomach will work and we get rid of many diseases.

 Improve your diet: Improve eating habits. Follow a healthy and balanced diet. Eating baked foods, soda, sugar foods, oil foods, fatty foods and high calorie foods etc. will work. We mostly have fruits, vegetables, leafy vegetables, high protein  Must eat foods.  Nutritious food should be taken, all this helps us in reducing belly fat.

 Reduce your alcohol consumption: Those who want to reduce belly fat should reduce alcohol consumption.  The content of sugar in alcohol drinks etc. is very relieving which is not good for the body and increases the fat of our stomach. Hopefully you will find this information useful and you have come to the society that if we want, we can easily get our stomach  You can get rid of fat. If your friend or relative has a problem of abdominal fat, then you must forward it and forward this information as much as possible if you like this information and like to comment. Comment if you have any doubt.

Exercise to Reduce Belly Fat

People who have a sitting job understand the misery of increasing weight. Sitting in a chair for 7 to 8 hours affects your stomach the most. The problem is increased when you do not have time to go to the gym. In such a situation, your stomach starts to grow even more. But today we will tell you the easy workout tips at home which you will soon get rid of from your enlarged stomach...

1. Planck exercise is best for reducing stomach

In order to stay fit and lose weight, people are seeing craze of planking nowadays. Many Bollywood celebs also like to exercise planks to stay fit. This single exercise removes almost all belly fat. Not only this, women get many benefits from doing planks exercises.
Reduce Belly Fat in 30 days | Health And Fitness

Many women often complain that they have backache. Actually, in a seating job some women have their backs bent forward. Because of this, they have pain in their back due to wrong posture. Planck is an exercise that helps them to get relief from this back pain.

2. Yoga and Bridge to Reduce Belly Fat

Waking up in the morning for 30 minutes keeps you from many health problems. In particular, it is helpful in reducing your abdominal fat. Exercises like Kapalbhati, Tadasana, Surya-Namaskar, Bridge and Halasana are beneficial in your routine to reduce abdominal fat.

3. V-up exercises 

V-up exercises level your stomach and give you a curvy shape. With the help of this exercise, your hanging belly looks tight and slim-fit.
Reduce Belly Fat in 30 days | Health And Fitness

4. Climbing

Abdominal fat is also reduced by climbing stairs. If you go down the stairs 5 to 10 times in the morning, then your stomach is very low. Also, by doing workouts on stairs like this everyday, your knees also become strong. So, to run the race till old age, climb the stairs like this everyday. Neither weight will increase nor knees will be weak. 

Diet to Reduce Belly Fat

Most of the items found in the market are rich in maida, sugar, salt and fat.  If you want to reduce body weight and extra fat, then it is important to avoid them.
No matter how tasty these foods look, they are very harmful to health due to high salt, sugar and fat.

Reduce Belly Fat in 30 days | Health And Fitness

By eating them regularly, fat accumulates around the stomach.  So if you want to reduce your belly fat, then at least you should avoid eating these things.

Refined grain: Bread made from maida, bakery items, white rice fall under the category of refined grains. Treatment of these grains is such that the fibers are removed by grinding their upper surface. Along with fiber, many of their nutritional elements also perish.  Since they do not have fiber, they start feeling hungry again after some time of eating.

Sugar rich foods and drinks: Pasta sauce, fruit juice, soft drinks, sweet curd etc. fall into this category.  Eating them regularly increases the risk of obesity and related diseases.  Therefore it is better to stay away from them.

Processed food: Packaged meats and other foods, canned drinks and juices are not only rich in sugar, salt and fat, they also contain many chemicals as preservatives.  They also cause diseases like cancer, including chemical obesity.

Fried fast food: Burgers, fries, fried chicken, pizza, etc. not only contain maida bread but also have a high amount of fat.  Eating them also increases harmful fat in the body.

Alcohol: Many people are not aware, but alcohol also increases obesity in the body.  It also increases the risk of fatty liver disease.


Excess fat stored on the abdomen is a concern. Not only does it look bad, but it can also cause many diseases like thyroid, BP and sugar. Through this Health and Fitness article we learned how to reduce belly fat. For this, we also learned about effective exercise, yoga and diet, which can help in reducing abdominal fat. All these things are beneficial only when they are done regularly. Leaving it for a day or two may result in loss rather than profit.Full article on reduce belly fat thank you for the reading of full article, If you have any help with this article, then let us know, we will share your selected comments on our social media platform.

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