14 Hair loss causes men (Alopecia) | Home remedies for hair fall

14 Hair loss causes men (Alopecia)  Home remedies for hair fall

Hair loss causes men

Today more or less all men are worried about the problem of "hair loss causes men". But there is no need to panic if you lose 70 to 100 hairs every day.If you are losing more than that, then you need not only good hair care products but also a checkup on the advice of a doctor.Because sometimes fast falling hairs are a sign of diseases growing in our body...

What are the types of hair loss (Hair loss causes men)

The rate of hair growth slows down as people age and this is called segregation.  There are many types of hair loss:

Evolutionary Alopecia: It is the natural gradual thinning of hair with age.  There is an increase in the number of hair follicles that enters the relaxation phase and other hairs become shorter and shorter.

Androgenic alopecia: This genetic condition can affect both women and men.  People who have this condition can start losing hair even in their teenage years.  This is known as male-pattern baldness.  It is marked by gradual hair loss from the front scalp and crown and hair line.  Affected women have thinning hair after their forties.  This is known as female-pattern baldness and the crown has maximum hair loss.

Alopecia areata: it usually starts abruptly and leads to hair loss in patches in young adults and children.  It can cause total baldness (alopecia areata).  In more than 90% of people with this condition, the hair grows back within a few years.

Trichotillomania: It is usually observed in children.  A person tears his hair because of this psychological disorder.

Telogen effluvium: Changes in the hair growth cycle are temporary thinning of hair on the
scalp.  This is due to a lot of hair entering the relaxation phase which results in hair drift and consequent thinning.

Scarring alopecia: This leads to irreversible hair loss.  Inflammatory conditions of the skin such as folliculitis, acne and cellulitis, resulting in the destruction of the ability to regenerate hair.  Tightly woven hair and hot combs can also result in irreversible hair loss.

Causes of hair loss in men

1. Hairstyle or improper hair maintenance: Sometimes people start losing their hair due to wrong hairstyle. Some people tie the hair tightly with a rubber band. Making a braid or ponytail from the very top also causes hair breakage. In addition, the use of dyes, bleaches, straighteners or permanent wave solutions can also cause hair loss. Depending on the amount of damage caused by these chemicals, the hair loss becomes permanent.

2. Combing wet hair: Often people start combing their wet hair after washing it. Doing so is not good for the health of the hair. Wet hair is more vulnerable than dry hair, so when combing wet hair, stress on unresolved hair pulls it out. This also reduces the strength of hair. 

3. Tying wet hair: Just as it is not right to comb wet hair, it is not right to tie wet hair in the same way.  This also weakens the hair roots and causes the hair to break and fall out.

4. Use of dryer: People often use a dryer to dry wet hair quickly, the hot air of which helps to completely eliminate hair proteins. It is the biggest cause of hair loss. Also split ends can cause dehydration.  In this case, to avoid hair fall, dry the hair in a natural way and do not use a dryer.

5.  Shampooing daily: Using shampoo daily to clean the hair also weakens the hair roots. This not only breaks the hair, but also makes it dry and frizzy. Also avoid rubbing the whole hair while shampooing. Shampoo is used not to clean the hair, but to remove dirt from the scalp. In this case, do not rub the shampoo in the hair too much. By shampooing every day, the chemicals present in it can damage the hair.

6. Do not apply conditioner: Not applying conditioner after cleaning the hair is the biggest cause of hair loss. If you want to prevent hair loss, use a good quality conditioner. It closes the cuticles and softens the hair. Conditioner should be used not only on the scalp but also on the hair.

7. Illness or surgery: Stress from an illness or surgery can also cause hair growth to stop for a while.  Hair loss can also be caused by thyroid disorder, syphilis, iron deficiency or infection. Cancer chemotherapy tries to kill all the fast growing cells of the body and in the same process the hair roots are also attacked.  This is a big reason for hair loss.  Sometimes hair loss can also be caused by side effects of certain medications. Excess vitamin A can also cause hair breakage.

8. Nutrient deficiency: Excessive dieting or lack of nutrients in food can lead to hair loss. Lack of protein, vitamins and minerals may be responsible for this.

9. Depression: Depression causes rapid hair loss. Depression is a serious level of anxiety. Anyone is surrounded by anxiety and stress for a long time before they get into the grip of depression. Due to this, his body is deficient in happy hormones. Problems in digestion start coming. When digestion is not done properly then the body does not get complete nutrition. Its first effect is on hair and skin.

10. Blood pressure problem: People who have high blood pressure for a long time also have the problem of rapid hair loss.  Female or male, BP can cause hair fall in everyone. This is because in this condition there is more pressure of blood flow on the blood arteries. During this time, the amount of sodium in the blood is high, which does not allow its flow in the body properly. This condition is harmful to hair and heart. This is why the problem of hair loss is very common even in BP patients.

11. Hair loss due to thyroid: Severe and prolonged thyroid problems can also cause rapid hair loss. However, if the right treatment of thyroid disorder is taken at the right time, hair loss can be prevented. It also helps in growing new hair. Taking medicines and healthy diet at the right time keeping in mind the doctor's advice reduces hair loss.

12. Cancer is also the cause: Hair loss is a very common problem in cancer patients. Sometimes rapid hair loss is also an indication that the chances of developing a serious disease like cancer in
The body is increasing. For example, some cancers, such as Hodgkin's lymphoma, can cause hair loss. But rapid hair loss is mainly due to chemotherapy.

13. Eating Disorders: Young girls and boys often fall prey to eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia. This is because they are dieting or using supplements in pursuit of a skinny body.  Most of these youths are girls and boys. Eating disorders are becoming a major cause of hair loss along with other health problems. Because of this, the essential nutrients do not reach the cells of our body and hair starts falling out fast.

14. Inflammation in the body: The problem of inflammation in the body all the time is known as lupus in the medical world.  Lupus is an autoimmune disease.  It keeps the inflammation in the body for a long time.  Facial skin and hair follicles are mainly affected due to this inflammation.  This is why not only the hair of the head but also the hair of the eyebrows and eyelids start falling out.  On the other hand, in men suffering from this disease, the hair of beard and mustache also falls fast.

 How is hair loss diagnosed?(Hair loss causes men)

Hair loss starts while bathing or combing. If you are losing more hair than usual, contact a doctor. The doctor will treat the patient after consulting him and knowing the history of diseases in the family. Various tests are done to diagnose the problem of hair loss. Some of them are:

 1. Physical Hair Pull Test

 2. Blood test

 3. Scalp biopsy

 4. Light microscopy

How to prevent hair loss?(Hair loss causes men)

If the hair is falling out genetically, it is a little harder to stop.  However some types of hair loss can be avoided, such as traction alopecia.

Traction alopecia is mainly caused by excessive pulling of hair. For example, a tight hairstyle that pulls hair from the roots.  Such problems can potentially be prevented.  Try to tie the hair loose and avoid tying the braid tightly for a long time.  Also eating a balanced diet and controlling your stress levels can prevent hair loss.

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Home Remedies to Prevent Hair Loss(Hair loss causes men)

Egg whites:
14 Hair loss causes men (Alopecia)  Home remedies for hair fall
These are stores of proteins, minerals and B-complexes that are essential for hair.  They provide nutrients for hair growth and also strengthen the hair. Egg whites are recommended for oily hair as it reduces oil production. It can be mixed with olive oil for faster hair growth.

Aloe vera:
14 Hair loss causes men (Alopecia)  Home remedies for hair fall
It is rich in amino acids and proteolytic enzymes which are good for hair growth. For better results it can be mixed with castor oil and fenugreek powder.

14 Hair loss causes men (Alopecia)  Home remedies for hair fall
It has high concentrations of antioxidants which increase the regeneration of skin cells. It conditions your scalp, reduces gray hair and increases hair volume. Amla also reduces dandruff, so it thickens the hair. For better results, vegetable oil, rosemary powder, egg, water and milk can be mixed with amla.

14 Hair loss causes men (Alopecia)  Home remedies for hair fall
It contains dietary sulfur which is the most common mineral required for enzymes and protein production.  The antiseptic properties of onion juice help the scalp fight infection.  On the other hand, the antioxidant properties remove free radicals that reduce the damage to hair follicles.

 The above mentioned home treatment experience and various conditions are based on the success achieved in treating some people.  These are likely to benefit you, but if you have any concerns, be sure to talk to a specialist.

Preventing hair loss is a challenge(Hair loss causes men)

Hair loss is a natural process.  The concern is its untimely loss. Here are some suggestions on how to look or get an appointment for antique items. This is because the immediate effects of all these measures may not be visible, but the far-reaching effects cannot be ruled out.

These are the remedies, definitely try!

1. Exercise

14 Hair loss causes men (Alopecia)  Home remedies for hair fall

Exercise makes our body metabolism healthy and balanced. Exercise regularly.  Eat a nutritious and balanced diet.  It makes both our body and mind healthy.  Even our hair follicles.

2. Yoga and Meditation
14 Hair loss causes men (Alopecia)  Home remedies for hair fall

Think of it as an extended part of your regular exercise.  The activity of yoga and meditation may seem ordinary, but the results are extraordinary.  Meditation usually involves meditation and pranayama.

3. Vitamins and proteins

14 Hair loss causes men (Alopecia)  Home remedies for hair fall

The amount of protein and vitamins in the diet should be kept balanced.  Biotin in particular has been found to be useful for hair.  In addition, folic acid and omega 3 fatty acids must be included in the diet.  It is essential for proper hair growth.

4. Keep an eye on the weight
14 Hair loss causes men (Alopecia)  Home remedies for hair fall

More weight, more trouble.  That is considered.  There are some diseases like thyroid, diabetes and high blood pressure which cause weight gain or loss.  Weight loss will be followed by fatigue and constant tiredness.

5. Make distance from anti-depressants and steroids

Increased stress and sleep deprivation have increased stress relief and sleep medication interference in life.  Mental problems have increased in professional and personal life.  While the workload in the office and the monstrous target have increased the problems of the people, the harmony between husband and wife in the marital life has been shaken.

People are having to take anti-depressant drugs.  It does provide temporary relief, but once a person is dependent on it, it becomes a compulsion.

6. Self-Treating (Treating Yourself)

Take time for yourself in the midst of the hustle and bustle of life.  Spend time in the middle of nature on vacation.  Try spa, massage, meditation, natural healing.

How to control hair loss(Hair loss causes men)

Once the hair loss starts, it does not stop.  So some effort is needed.  Hair loss can be slowed down if tried correctly.  In many cases it can be prevented and in many cases new hair can be grown.

1. Sensitive mild shampoo

There are mild shampoos available in the market which wash the hair but do no harm.  Hair conditioning is required at least one day a week.  It keeps the hair texture smooth and does not allow the hair to break easily.

2. The path to vitamin relief

Vitamin E is essential nutrients.  Our diet must have a balanced amount of vitamins.  Lack of all vitamins is the cause of some disease.  A balanced amount of vitamins in the diet is a guarantee of healthy hair.  Vitamin-A, Vitamin-B and Vitamin-E are very helpful in maintaining the texture of hair and increasing the strength of hair.

Natural oil is secreted from our scalp.  This is called sebum.  Vitamin-A helps in secretion of sebum.  Vitamin-E keeps the blood circulation right.  This is important for hair growth and hair health.  Similarly, Vitamin-B has been found to be very important for the health of hair.

3. Danger of dandruff

Dandruff is the known enemy of hair.  This dandruff is most responsible for hair loss.  Whenever, while combing or brushing your hair, bright silver flakes appear in them or on your clothes, especially on black clothes, understand that the existence of your hair is in danger.  Be careful immediately after this.

4. Natural oils for hair

There is a lot of confusion among the people as to which oil will be right for the hair.  Only use natural vegetable oils.  This oil can be coconut oil.  It can be lavender oil, it can be olive oil or it can be other oils.  These oils play a big role in preventing hair loss.

5. Nutritious and balanced diet

Protein rich diet is essential for hair health.  We should eat more green leafy vegetables, fruits, dairy products like milk, curd, cheese etc.  A balanced and nutritious diet also strengthens our body’s immune system.  It also removes the weakness of hair.

6. Water therapy

Use clean drinking water, the dizziness of the doctor's clinic will be reduced automatically. Problems like hair breakage and loss will also come down. Water naturally contains minerals that kill many kinds of bacteria and viruses.

7. Organic tea

There is more medicine in the form of green tea. It is an effective antioxidant. The components of green tea help to keep the hair healthy. It is also a thing to drink and also to apply in the hair.  Green Tea is a natural hair conditioner. Apply green tea (prepared in hot water) in the hair regularly. This retains the natural shine in the hair. If the natural shine has disappeared from the hair then it returns. And yes, it makes the hair very strong.

Green tea should also be drunk as it detoxifies the body. The body gets rid of unnecessary harmful toxic elements. Believe me, it has been proven that it helps prevent cancer.

8. Alcohol is no solution!

Alcohol reduces the capacity of hair growth and the trouble of hair loss starts.  This is a good thing if you don't touch alcohol. But if you are addicted to it and you are a regular drinker, reduce the amount a little for your own health. This will also save your scalp hair.

9.  Cigarettes reduce hair growth rate!

Smoking is the enemy of your lungs. Cigarettes are also the enemy of hair. How? Explains.  Smoking reduces blood flow to the head. This is the beginning of hair loss.

10. Hair dye and coloring not fine

Avoid dyeing or coloring hair. It will take the life of your hair. Looked a little white, it looked natural black, at least the beauty of the hair on the head is intact. Leave it intact. Smart you will look like that too.

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Hopefully by paying attention to these small things you will be able to give your hair a long life.  Hair will not separate from your head prematurely.  However, if the problem related to your hair is not taking the name of stopping, then feel free to see a doctor. Take advice. And literally follow their words. There will definitely be benefits. thank you for the reading of Hair loss causes men full article, If you have any help with this article, then let us know, we will share your selected comments on our social media platform.

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